
Si(gh)tings March 01, 2003 02:37 PM
Steve Dietz encountered on the web:

The Walker Art Center has established itself as a primary force in the museum community in furthering the medium of Net Art. Headed up by Steve Dietz, Director of New Media Initiatives at the Walker, Gallery 9 is a focal point for the numerous and ambitious digital arts projects originating from the Museum's Website. Beginning with Piotr Szyhalski's "Ding an sich: The Canon Series" in 1997, Dietz has since organized two major exhibition of Net Art, the first, Beyond Interface in conjunction with the 1998 Museums and the Web Conference, and the second, Shock of the View. The latter was a collaboration between the Walker and several other museums around the country, consisting of exhibited works that juxtaposed object-based work with virtualized art, contextualized with curatorial essays and a lively on-line discussion that eventually segued to a panel presentation at the 1999 Museums and the Web conference in New Orleans. Current works at Gallery 9 include Lisa Jevbratt's The Stillman Project, Janet Cohen, Keith Frank and John Ippolito's The Unreliable Archivest, among others.
Randall Packer, Zero Gravity
I never saw this "gallery" before. It says sponsored by Intel, but it's on Randall's Zakros InterArts site and must have been when he was working with them on projects like Multimedia: From Wagner to Virtuality, which is part of Artuseum.net, when Intel thought they would be an online museum as well. Lots of history just in this little sliver for some grad student to unpack, with not very good meta-documentation. Nice Paik quote too: "In the future, the only artwork that will survive will have no gravity at all." 041504
A Stillman Project for The Walker Art Center - The WAC in Minneapolis was hosting a Stillman Project from November 1998 to May 1999 commissioned by Gallery 9/Steve Dietz. The project extends the basic functionality of a stillman project, see description on the site for reference.
Lisa Jevbratt
I was doing some research on Lisa's project for a catalog entry. In some ways, this project is even more interesting to me now than in 1998. What kind of a map will these si(gh)tings create? 041504